A-Tea- Apple and Orange deal.

  • Sale
  • $ 15.00
  • Regular price $ 17.00

Get one Apple Cinnamon Spice Tea and one Orange Cinnamon Spice Tea.  Apple Cinnamon Spice Tea is a great Spice tea with the pure Apple Cinnamon flavor you are looking for.  Orange Cinnamon Spice Tea is my personal favorite.  Has a nice orange citrus blend with Cinnamon,  cloves, and Spice you are looking for in a nice Spice tea. These teas are wonderful served hot or cold. You will receive two large tea bags in each tea packet.  Each tea bag will make a large pitcher of tea.  Regularly 17.00 for the two, but now you can get two of these packet for 15.00. Your order of one will get you the two packets of tea.